(Expert Private College Advisor)

…College Prep Exclusively for You

 founded by a psychologist and an educator devoted to nurturing talented students and giving them the tools to pursue their college dreams.

♦ An elegant mix of strategy and support will pave the road to success ♦

Dr. Levermore is a licensed “Board Certified” Psychologist and consultant in the state of Florida.  She has been involved in admissions selection at two different private colleges in the state of Florida and has been admitted herself to the following prestigious university  programs — Johns Hopkins University- Kennedy Krieger Institute,  Harvard Medical School and Yale University.

Dr. Levermore has consulted with students on admissions since 1998. She was a proud member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling as an independent consultant.

PGC  illuminating the path toward your future… with Expert Private College Advisors